The study was aimed at finding out the challenges of teaching home economics in Nigeria. A sample of 78 home economics teachers were randomly sampled from schools and colleges in Ojo Lagos of Nigeria was used for the study. The instrument was a 4-point Likert type scale with a reliability coefficient of 0.875. The research question was answered using means (x), standard deviation (SD) and one-sample test statistics. While t-test was used to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that teaching home economics in nigeria poses a lot of challenges schools as there is little or no instructional materials in place. There is no significant influence of gender of teachers on the subject matter. Premised on these findings it was recommended among other things that government should adequately finance teacher education and adequate instructional facilities both in quality and quantity should be provided for effective teaching-learning process in schools and colleges in the country